Page 53 - Studio International - January 1965
P. 53

Richard  Brown  Baker


                                  knowledge  of  the  history  of  art.  While  Mr.  Baker   Krushenick,  Samaras  and  Oliveira.  Those  were coura­
                                  disclaims his role as pioneer he has nonetheless won it.   geous  choices  and  choices  that  are  being  more  and
                                  If  he  tends  to  regret  his  errors,  he  should.  at least.  be   more  appreciated  as  time  passes.  Obviously,  it  is  the
                                  comforted  that  they have  been  sins  of  omission.  He   artist  who  creates  the  art;  all  the  same,  it  has  been
                                  arrived on the scene too late for Still,  Rothko, deKoon­  Richard Brown  Baker who has gathered together those
                                  ing,  and  Newman-they  had  already  been  priced   manifold  components  into  a  gleaming  unit.  The
                                  beyond  his  means.  What  Mr.  Baker  fails  to  stress  is   analogy that comes  to  mind  most immediately  is  that
                                  that he was among the first  to  admire-and  acquire­  of a symphony orchestra.  Mr.  Baker has proved himself
                                  Lichtenstein,  Chamberlain,  Wesselman,  Rosenquist,   an  inspired  conductor.                  ■
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