Page 42 - Studio International - January 1965
P. 42

Dubuffet's Hourloupe-tour de force

                               Paris  Commentary  by  Michel  Conil  Lacoste

                               The  reappearance  of  Jean  Dubuffet  with  an  extra­  in  the  Palazzo  Grassi as  a  pre-Biennale  attraction.  To
                               ordinary series of recent canvases will be the event of  these were added, in the rue de Seine, the complimen­
                               the year's end.  At the time of writing, this is about to  tary series of the  'objets Hourloupes·.  Claude  Bernard
                               take place at the  Galerie Jeanne  Bucher.  The father of  showed the gouaches on the same theme.
                               'Art brut' is not talkative, he is even a little misanthropic   The  most  remarkable  fact  in  his  new  works  is  the
                               and  he never  lets  any  of  his intentions escape  freely;  great  strategic  reconciliation  of  Dubuffet  with  colour,
                               thus one was a little curious as to which gallery would  after  so  many  years  of  austerity,  when  the  painter
                               exhibit him since  Daniel Cordier. his former dealer, had  offered us only the 'hard tack' of his asphalt, his hautes
                               shut  up  shop  in  the  noisy  conditions  we  know.   pates  and  his materiologies of a  stark  brown.  But the
                                But  the  change  of  venue  is  not  important.  What  is  graphic  structure  has  also  changed  completely.  With
                               really important is the revelation to  the public at large   Paris-Circus.  1 962,  Dubuffet had already made a clean
                               of  the  important  paintings  on  the  theme  of  the  break with the informal  and sensory style that he had
                               Hourloupe,  which were shown at Venice this summer  practised for such a long time and a  Paris full of little

       Jean  Dubuffet
       Houle du  virtue/.  1963
       220  x  190  cm.
       Galerie Jeanne  Bucher

       La femme universe/le,  1964
       Iron.  38} in.  high
       Galerie  Claude  Bernard

       Jan  Burka
       Mouvemenc perpetuel,
       Steel,  157 cm.  high
       Centre d" art cybernetique
       de  Suzanne  De  Conninck
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